Follow On Initiative Team
Board of Directors
President / Treasurer: James Otto
James Otto has been a member of the United States Military for over 20 years with the last 13 years part of the Special Operations community. James’ focus has been on Special Mission planning, team building, and leadership. James was a pre-med student at the University of Wisconsin and earned a degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. James holds an FAA Airline Transport Pilot certificate with both Rotorcraft and Fixed Wing qualifications. James holds several FINRA securities licenses including securities broker dealer and Investment Advisor. James is currently working as an Independent Financial Advisor in all 50 states.
Vice President: Christian Lakars
Christian Lakars has been a member of the United States Military for the last 19 years and has spent the last 5 years in the Special Operations community, his education includes a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Aeronautical Science. Christian holds an FAA Commercial Multi-Engine Fixed Wing and Rotorcraft with Instrument ratings, as well as multiple military professional qualifications. Christian has held key leadership positions within the military and has specialized in maintenance management, aerospace testing and development, global logistics, and government contracting representation. For the last two years, Christian has been the Operations Manager to an independently owned financial management company with his focus on developing management, organization, and prioritization methods.
Secretary: Dale (Joe) Bell
Joe Bell has spent the last 15 years of his 21-year career in the Special Operations and Intelligence communities. In addition to being a strategic planner for United States Special Operations Command’s Special Activities, he is a former Special Mission Unit member and Operations Officer for the United States Army Special Operations Command. Joe holds a bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Science, an FAA Airline Transport Pilot certificate, and is an Operator Training Course graduate. His extensive experience as a Special Mission Operator, operational planner, and intelligence analyst is now poised to provide the Follow On Initiative with the tools needed to serve the Special Operations community.
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